2nd Meeting of EUA 2024 TPG on "Learning and Teaching in Situations of Crisis: Needs and Support Provision"


We held the second European University Association (EUA) Learning and Teaching Thematic Peer Group meeting on “learning and teaching in situations of crisis: needs and support provision” at VID vitenskapelige høgskole in Oslo, on 27 and 28 June, this time in person. Representatives (Michael Kozakowski, Jonas Tosteby, Iryna Zolotaryova, Karina Nemashkalo, Ainhoa Uribe Otalora, Beatriz Jiménez Luengo, Inger Marie Hognestad, Mirjam van de Woerdt, Malin Natalie Hellem, Iris Mohringer, Johanna Strickert, Mehmet Korman) from participating universities- Central European University, Dalarna University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Finance in Simon Kuznets KhNUE, Universidad CEU San Pablo, VID vitenskapelige høgskole- shared good practices from their institutions as they responded to diverse crises, influencing learning and teaching directly and/or indirectly.

We thank Vice Rector Prof. Ellen Saethre McGuirk and her team for hosting us. As always, it has been illuminating to hear how different institutions found creative and effective ways to deal with sudden and ongoing crises and their "long tails". Thanks to all colleagues and EUA Coordinator Gohar Hovhannisyan for a productive two-day session.

The third meeting will be held in Yeditepe University in Istanbul on October 17-18 to further discuss the topic.
