Objective, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 – (1) The objective of this document is to lay out the organizational structure, management and terms of reference of the Learning-Teaching Unit Coordinatorship which was established under the authority of the Yeditepe University.
ARTICLE 2 – (1) This terms of reference document contains the provisions related to the aims, areas of operation, governing bodies, its duties and working basis of the Learning-Teaching Unit Coordinatorship.
ARTICLE 3 – (1) This directive has been prepared based on the sub-clause (2) of the clause (d) of the first paragraph of the 7th article and the 14th article of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
ARTICLE 4 – (1) Some terms mentioned in this document represent the following:
a) the Coordinatorship: Learning-Teaching Unit Coordinatorship of Yeditepe University,
b) the Coordinator: Coordinator of the Unit,
c) the Rector: Rector of Yeditepe University,
d) the Rectorate: Rectorate of Yeditepe University,
e) the University: Yeditepe University,
f) Educational Design Coordinator: Person in charge of educational content design,
g) Visual Design and Production Coordinator: Person in charge of educational material’s visual design and production,
h) Subunit: Subunits created within the Coordinatorship,
i) Subunit Team Leader: Person in charge of work and follow-ups in each Subunit,
j) Distance Learning Unit: Unit that ensures coordination of distance learning processes,
k) Distance Learning Team Leader: Person in charge of Distance Learning Unit’s activities to work in coordination.
Objectives and Activity Areas of the Unit
Objectives of the Unit
ARTICLE 5 – (1) In order to contribute to the improvement of learning processes and teaching, the Learning-Teaching Unit Coordinatorship provides the services below:
a) To carry out programs which aim to support the students’ academic and social developments,
b) To offer programs which aim to enrich and improve teaching for faculty members and instructors,
c) To organise programs for adapting junior faculty and research assistants to the profession, to prepare trainings and certificate programs on course preparation, assessment and evaluation, teaching, innovative teaching techniques, and accreditation and administrative processes,
d) To prepare and conduct certificate programs and trainings on refresher trainings, new abilities, digital presentation techniques, methods of data visualisation and the use of visual and audio materials in lectures and research,
e) To carry out quality research which aims to improve learning and teaching processes, to support the planning and execution of regulations which will improve learning and teaching through publications and interUnit sharing of research results with relevant divisions of the University,
f) To organise trainings and seminars which support the professional development of administrative personnel aimed to increase their professional efficiency and effectiveness, and/or to contribute to trainings separately organised,
g) To offer consultancy services within the scope of the activity areas of the Unit,
h) To perform regular evaluations of the trainings and programs prepared and implemented by the Unit, to share the evaluation results with relevant divisions of the University and to use them as a part of the continuous improvement process for the future.
ARTICLE 5 – (2) The Unit makes sure that online education processes are carried out in coordination.
ARTICLE 5 – (3) The Unit gives particular importance to the fact that all the services it provides are in line with the mission and strategic plan of Yeditepe University, adhering to professional and ethical principles, open to development and innovation on the basis of equality, diversity and participation in accordance with the needs of students and lecturers.
Areas of Activity of the Unit
ARTICLE 6 – (1) To achieve the purposes set in Article 5 of this directive, the Unit, in cooperation with the relevant academic and administrative divisions, conducts training, research and evaluation activities aimed at improvement of learning and teaching.
ARTICLE 6 – (2) With the aim of supporting and informing the faculty members who wish to improve their teaching abilities or attain new ones, the Unit conducts the activities below:
a) To prepare booklets for the newly hired faculty members, introducing the University, its systems and tools used in the management of certain processes, as well as to organise meetings for introducing the learning and teaching methods of the University and seminars on effective teaching,
b) To offer seminars aimed at the faculty members on certain topics such as effective communication with students, academic counselling, assessment and evaluation, use of technology in teaching and innovative teaching methods,
c) To offer personal or group counselling to faculty members to improve their teaching methods,
d) To organize mentoring programs that bring together experienced faculty members and new faculty members who are beginning their professional lives,
e) To organize management and leadership trainings and certificate programs for the faculty members who recently joined or wish to participate in administrative levels,
f) To provide a virtual library environment with online resources for learning and teaching,
g) To create learning environments where faculty members from different disciplines come together and share their knowledge and experiences on education and teaching while encouraging joint project making processes with their colleagues.
ARTICLE 6 – (3) In order to support students' academic development, the Unit supports students on certain topics such as achieving their academic goals, developing the learning skills required at the University, and increasing their success. The Unit carries out the following activities to support and inform students:
a) To provide individual or group guidance and counselling on academic issues,
b) To give seminars on skills and strategies needed by students to improve their learning like time management, preparing for exams, coping with exam anxiety and overcoming the behaviour of procrastination.
c) To organize peer-supported study programs and study groups,
d) To provide for the orientation program that will enhance academic and social adaptation of the new students in the University,
e) To present a virtual library with online resources to support students’ academic growth.
ARTICLE 6 – (4) The Unit provides the administrative personnel with training and seminars such as corporate culture, inter-institution communication, process management, efficient communicative devices, application of technological innovations to work environment, time management and information security in order to enhance corporate and career development.
ARTICLE 6 – (5) The Unit runs the processes below for doing research-publications in learning, teaching and perfection, giving consultancy service and self-evaluating its own activities:
a) Doing research with regular intervals to determine the structure, characteristics, demands, needs and satisfaction of instructors and students,
b) Evaluating all the services provided by the Unit,
c) Following the academic growth of students and doing research on the factors which affect the students’ growth in positive or negative ways,
d) Doing contrasting research on novelties in learning and teaching presented by the Unit before and after they are launched,
e) Helping to design practices for the enhancement of students’ academic growth and enriching of the learning environment by sharing the findings and outcomes of research carried out by the Unit with administrators, instructors and students,
f) Sharing of all the research findings and turning them into academic publications in national and international academic meetings,
g) Publishing of books, brochures, bulletins and similar publications in the direction of the Unit’s research interests,
h) To host seminars and academic meetings in the scope of the Unit’s research interests,
i) Giving consultancy services to public, private, national and international institutions and organizations, and working with them in collaboration within the direction of the Unit’s fields of activity and objectives.
Unit’s Managing Bodies and Duties
Unit’s Managing Bodies
ARTICLE 7 – (1) The managing bodies of the Unit are:
a) Coordinator,
b) Educational Design Coordinator and Visual Design and Production Coordinator
c) Subunit Team Leaders
d) Distance Learning Team Leader
ARTICLE 8 – (1) Coordinators have experience in research, application and education in the Unit’s fields of activity and objectives. They are entrusted with the task for 3 years by the Rector. The coordinator whose period of office ends can be entrusted the same position for more than once. Coordinators do the planning, execution and regulation of the Unit’s operations.
Coordinator’s Duties
MADDE 9 – (1) Koordinatörün görevleri şunlardır:
a) Represents the Unit,
b) Provides for the Coordinatorship’s coordination and supervision, manages the Unit’s administrative work,
c) Assures that all the services provided by the Unit are relevant, scientific and bound to ethical principles, evaluated, enhanced and continually improved,
d) Is responsible for all the members of the Unit to work systematically, efficiently and in coordination,
e) Provides for the Unit to work in communication and coordination with the academic-administrative Units in the University, dean of students, student representatives and student organizations,
f) Provides the Unit to present the Rectorate a yearly working report, next year’s working program and activity drafts by the end of each operating cycle,
g) Is directly responsible to the Rector for the Unit’s activities to be administered in coordination, developed and always improved,
h) Provides for the Unit’s participation to national/international academic and career activities relating to the Unit’s objectives and activities,
i) Creates and conducts joint projects within the Unit’s area of activity in collaboration and/or rudiments of coordination with people, Units, institutions and organizations in and outside the University,
j) Designates the need for academic, administrative and technical personnel to perform duties in the Unit and forwards proposals for their assignment to the Rectorate.
Educational Design Coordinator and Visual Design and Production Coordinator
ARTICLE 10 – (1) There are two Coordinators in charge of Educational Design and Visual Design and Production in the Unit. The coordinators are appointed from within the Unit. They are tasked with fulfilling their duties in their own areas of responsibilities as well as assignments given to them by the Coordinator.
Subunit Team Leaders
ARTICLE 11 – (1) Subunit Team Leaders are tasked with preparing needs analysis, planning, assuring coordination with respective units and application of all educational designs prepared by the Unit according to the diverse needs and activities of the University. Subunit Team Leaders are chosen by the Subunit for 1 year in rotation of its members, Team Leaders whose term times have finished can be tasked with the same position more than once by the Coordinatorship.
Distance Learning Team Leader
ARTICLE 12 – (1) Team Leader is tasked with maintaining coordination of all the processes carried on by the University on distance teaching and learning needs and activities. Distance Learning Team Leader is chosen by the Coordinatorship and can be tasked more than one term.